Please take the time to read through this page before ordering. You may find our restrictions a pain to deal with, but the added security it provides us also allows us to keep lower prices for the honest people out there.
We cannot be liable for any misprints (i.e. inaccuracy in a price or description) for the parts we advertise on our website.
We do accept credit card orders, Visa, Master Card,Discover and AMEX. We do not ship C.O.D.
Please understand the following criteria for credit card usage:
- Shipping must be to the person and address that are on file with the credit card issuer. If you send a Wire Transfer/ACH we can ship to an alternate addresse. We may ask for a credit card authorization form to be filled out on larger purchases.
- Most orders shipped UPS Ground. Air options are available for repeat customers only, using the same credit card and shipping to the same address as previous orders (more than 2 weeks prior). We do not have the time to properly do all the necessary security checks for new customers to be able to ship orders the same day or possibly the following day. Unfortunately, air shipping is too often used by credit card thieves to get the parts there before the credit card can be reported stolen. Air options are available for repeat customers only, using the same credit card and shipping to the same address as previous orders (more than 2 weeks prior).
- Please do not use other people’s cards – fathers, mothers, ex-wives, roommates, etc. If your name isn’t on the card, we can not accept them.
- When ordering by credit card, please be sure we have all phone numbers necessary to find you. We need these because if there is a problem with the card, and cannot contact you, we cannot process your order. The phone numbers are also one of the criteria for checking credit card validity.
- To all of the honest customers we have, all we can do is apologize for the restrictions. They are necessary for our protection, as well as yours. Most people do not understand that when a stolen card is used in mail order, that it is NOT the credit card company that eats it! — IT IS THE BUSINESS THAT ACCEPTED THE CARD!!!! Simply stated, when we get burned, the credit card company is not out a single DIME – WE LOSE IT ALL. These thefts must be absorbed into operating costs, which then determine pricing structures, and whether the business can continue to exist!!!